Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bored yet?

Looking for some new weekday meals?
Do you want to host a fabulous dinner party? 
Need some new "go to" appetizers?
Want to learn more about spices and how to use them?

All of these are perfectly good reasons to host a Bored In the Kitchen? Cooking Class in your home for you and 10-12 of your friends!

Call me or email me with
 questions/dates, etc. 
 Let's get one on the calendar for this fall  and let's get cookin'!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pucker up!

For those of you who have already taken a Bored in the Kitchen? you know I love my lemons and limes for cooking. For those of you who will take one in the future, you will find out about my love of citrus!

What is killing me right now, is the price of my beloved fruit in the grocery store right now! 59 cents for a lime? Really?

So..... I have a tip for you! I have been buying citrus in bulk for MUCH less (big bags at the grocery store, Costco, wherever) and squeezing all of the juice into a measuring cup, pouring it into ice cube trays and freezing it. Once frozen, put the cubes in a freezer ziploc or plastic container and pull it out when you need it! Oh! and before you squeeze, you can also zest those babies and freeze the zest too! 

Less expensive and ready when you need it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stay Tuned

You won't be bored for long! Stay tuned for information on when and where to attend a cooking class or even hosting one in your own home! A fabulous way to spend an evening with friends, learning some new tricks in the kitchen.

Looking forward to spending an evening cooking with you!
